Living rural in the city is great – you can do it, too.

Thanks for taking the first step!

You have one more thing that you need to do before you’re on my email list.

Confirm the email from MailChimp.

If you don’t do this, you’re not on the list. So go ahead and check your email and confirm it.

Is this done now?

Yes? Good! Here’s your 🥰 Thank You 🙏🏻 for joining the list 🤩:

A squirrel!!!
Milkweed flowers

And actually, I have a freebie for people in most parts of North America – simply send me an email with an address where I can mail you a packet of milkweed seeds. Milkweed is a perennial with a heavenly smelling flower; Monarch butterflies and many other insects use it for food and shelter. That’s why the Mailing List page has a big picture of it 😀

What you can expect:

You’ve basically signed up to a waitlist. The newsletter will begin when it has enough subscribers. So if you want it to be sooner rather than later, please share your favourite blog post on social media (buttons wherever needed), or email it to a friend!

Then, I’d like to send you one email in late March or early April, then again in May and June, none in July (unless something awesome is happening), maybe one in August, and then again in September and October. The other months, you might hear a peep out of me if I have something to say, but only once a month, or at most, once per quarter (e.g over the winter).

Because I AM interested in your projects and questions, I’d like to have a regular Q&A in the newsletter.  Leave a comment on this page, or email it to the list you just joined— and I’ll add it to my list of things to research and write.

Best regards,



  1. Rachel Jennifer Paul

    Hello Jane,
    I want to be a part of your mission! (address redacted)

    • Jane Sorensen

      Hi Rachel! I’m glad – I’d welcome the whole world on board 🙂 I also replied to you by email. Have a great day.

  2. SonnyB

    Thank you for what you do♡

  3. Carol

    Hi Jane,

    I’d like to know how to keep neighborhood cats out of my yard. They hop the 8-foot fence and make a mess.

    Any suggestions?


    • Jane Sorensen - BCLH

      I’m sorry, other than invoking fear into them – vigilante scary behaviour from you! it’s hard to manage cats. I’d get a good squirt gun and every time they come around, holler and use it. I’ve had a cat or two walk the fences for years; after a while I noticed the squirrels weren’t afraid of them so they weren’t much for hunting. So I let told their welcome was provisional to good behaviour.

  4. toeknee2

    Hi Jane
    Stumbled on your place by accident and thank God I looked. You are doing a great job and I love your yard!
    I wish more people opened their eyes at true beauty, like what you are doing.

    • Jane Sorensen - BCLH

      Hi Toeknee (Tony!)

      Thank you so much for your kind words. (I tried to approve and reply from my mobile app but it failed.) What I wanted to say was that at first when I started doing what I do, there was some resistance. After all, everyone/thing goes through growing pains (an ugly phase) and it takes some time and patience for things to fit properly in a garden. Exterior design is similar to interior design, sometimes you have to move things around! It certainly is rewarding when your plants begin to flower, and when you start seeing the birds and butterflies (and even, once, a groundhog) come by and find it welcoming. I’m happy you saw my little hanging BCLH sign!

      Best regards,


  5. Tony

    I stumbled on your page by accident. I forgot how I got here, but, thank God I did.
    I love the way you have set up your backyard.
    I’m trying to make a couple of spots on mine bird friendly and another section for insects.
    My “other section” are now 3 areas.
    I wish more people did the same.

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