These are all the articles that pertain to rewilding as a topic relevant to homeowners, or to the BCLH service, “Rewilding.” This service installs green driveways, does indigenous or native plant landscaping, and installs protection on windows and glass balconies so that birds don’t smash into them.

If you want to see these displayed from most recent to oldest, in long form (not badges), click here. 

Replace your grass lawn with a meadow, or just let one happen

Do you hate mowing the lawn? Holy cow, I used to. We had a lawn that was half the size of a football field, and ...
This is a flowchart of what to do if you find a baby bird, from

I found a bird – or a baby bird – in distress. What do I do?

If you've been looking up at the tops of the trees or watching neighbourhood feeders, you've noticed the flitting of birds newly arriving on their ...
Green driveway paver Montreal

How cracks in my asphalt driveway revolutionized my life

If you've been to this blog or my Facebook page at least once before, you've probably seen photos of my green driveway. They're all over ...

The results of the Rewilding garden session

Early Saturday morning, I got up early to make it up to Pepinière Jasmin – where you can always find some native/indigenous plants, even at the ...

A public Rewilding garden event, with a video of the bunnies exploring

Six weeks before the frost sets in (traditionally, people consider Canadian Thanksgiving the first-frost date, but it comes later), gardeners can often get an early ...

You’ll never guess what’s been using my green driveway…

Last night I saw something charming enough that I posted it to the Facebook page, and I'm just going to copy it here. Without a ...

How the green driveway conversion is holding up

In 2015, I posted about converting a standard residential parking spot into a green driveway. It's a pictorial, part of our Project portfolio. Three months ...
Bird strike victims.

How to stop killing birds with your windows – bird crash prevention!

Window crashes, also known as bird strikes, kill millions of birds with *every* migration. You might not think it happens to you, but it does ...
chimney swifts in flight

Why you should make your chimney available to Chimney Swifts

A chimney swift is a bird, an aerial insectivore that consumes more than 1000 insects per day. It roosts in brick-laid chimneys. It's not a ...
wildlife garden certification

Gardening for Wildlife: Free Backyard Certification

What Rewilding is about is making your architecture and garden hospitable to nature. We want to help you do that - and so we'll offer ...