This is a very short, curated and edited project list about attracting wildlife, taken from a now-defunct page called 10 Cool Ways To Attract Endless Wildlife To Your Backyard. (In case it resurrects, it came from here:

(I chose links from environmental organizations to provide you the details, so you don’t have to slog through the advertisements and plodding prose on your typical blog):

I will star ⭐️ the ones I’d like to do myself.

And if you live anywhere close to water and woodland, you can also look up tutorials on how to attract hummingbirds or frogs to your garden. Don’t overlook this fantastic opportunity; hummingbirds are faithful visitors once they’ve discovered your feeder, coming back year after year, and frogs frankly need all the help they can get.

And finally, make a wine bottle bird feeder, like the one above!

  1. Build an “L” shape out of scrap wood, and drill a hole for the point it’s going to hang from. It should hang from a fixed point, not swinging (i.e. a chain).
  2. Build an “L” shape out of scrap wood, and drill a hole for the point it’s going to hang from. It should hang from a fixed point, not swinging (i.e. a chain).
  3. Use some kind of strapping to hold a bottle in place on the upright part of the “L”; screw the ends of the strap to the back, not the front (looks better).
  4. Using a nail or a screw, fix a dish of some kind – plastic, metal, or a plant-material basket – to the bottom of the “L.”
  5. To let the seed dry out when it rains, drill some drain holes into the plastic or metal dish. I happened to use a cheese grater from IKEA, so that was easy.
  6. If the dish or basket doesn’t have a good lip for perching on, you can also drill another hole in the upright, at the same height as the top of the dish. Make sure the drill bit is the the same diameter as a piece of bamboo or a chopstick. Insert it all the way.
  7. Hang the feeder from a post, or from a screw in the wall of your house (like me! Feeders that are up against our dwellings actually help prevent bird strikes!)
  8. Fill a bottle with bird seed, and put it in the holder upside-down (ICYDK: put your thumb over the mouth of the bottle until it’s in place). Tip the bottle slightly to let some seed out.

Have fun! And enjoy the results.